2015年10月31日 星期六

Wiwat .

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以下內容節錄來源Content Source: Wiwat .

Wiwat .

Patient Stories J & Y, email to MWe did the egg donor & implantation in Thailand through Dr. Wiwat. I would highly recommend Dr. Wiwat over all other options or Hospitals anywhere. Dr. Wiwat is the most knowledgeable & best we have found anywhere, including here in the USA. The Srisiam Hospital is as good as any you would find in the US. They are very professional, sensitive to your needs, friendly & specialized in fertility issues. The prices were much less than here but more importantly we believe they are the best & most competent anywhere. We read some about surrogacy there & they do have a system for addressing all the issues you have. Ramon & Venus will walk you through the process. They even picked us up at the airport at "the ungodly hour of 2:30in the morning". They are very good people & will make sure you are taken care of. They are much more service oriented then here.Cheers & Best Wishes,J & YWe did the egg donor & implantation in Thailand through Dr. Wiwat. I would highly recommend Dr. Wiwat over all other options or Hospitals anywhere. Dr. Wiwat is the most knowledgeable & best we have found anywhere, including here in the USA. The Srisiam Hospital is as good as any you would find in the US. They are very professional, sensitive to your needs, friendly & specialized in fertility issues. The prices were much less than here but more importantly we believe they are the best & most competent anywhere. We read some about surrogacy there & they do have a system for addressing all the issues you have. Ramon & Venus will walk you through the process. They even picked us up at the airport at "the ungodly hour of 2:30in the morning". They are very good people & will make sure you are taken care of. They are much more service oriented then here.Cheers & Best Wishes,J & Y...


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2015年10月30日 星期五

胚胎 .

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以下內容節錄來源Content Source: 胚胎 .

胚胎 .

性别选择您有否想过要有个女儿?或者心目中预计想要个儿子?现在科技可助您在怀孕前挑选性别。有些夫妇想要某个性别的孩子是希望避免遗传病(性连锁疾病sex-linked diseases)或想达至家庭平衡。每个卵子都带有X染色体,而精子则带有X或Y染色体,若卵子跟带有Y染色体的精子结合,便会生男孩;若卵子跟带有X染色体的精子结合,便会生女孩。性别选择意思是用任何方法提高理想胎儿性别的怀孕机会。胚胎植入前基因诊断(PGD)胚胎植入前基因诊断是最有效的性别选择方法。病人须接受试管婴儿疗程(IVF),当胚胎发育到第3天,胚胎专家会将其中1至2个细胞抽出,以检定第23对染色体为XX或XY。当理想的性别胚胎选出后,便可作胚胎移植,此方法的准绳度为99%。红色=Y染色体绿色=X染色体蓝色=第18对染色体正常男婴...

cushions .

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以下內容節錄來源Content Source: cushions .

cushions .

CUSHIONSA scattering of mix-and-match cushions will brighten up any bed linen or sofa. Wai Kee HOME hand made cushions will stand the test of time and are sure to be an original, unique and highly distinctive feature in your home. We also offer:Outdoor Cushions and PadsThrow PillowsBean BagsPets BedCUSHIONSA scattering of mix-and-match cushions will brighten up any bed linen or sofa. Wai Kee HOME hand made cushions will stand the test of time and are sure to be an original, unique and highly distinctive feature in your home. We also offer:...


2015年10月27日 星期二


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胚胎 .

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以下內容節錄來源Content Source: 胚胎 .

胚胎 .

我们乐意为您提供于泰国可选择之辅助生育服务的资料我的经验能帮助您:解答辅助生育疗程,如试管婴儿、性别选择、卵子捐赠等疗程的相关问题。了解您手上有的医疗服告。了解治疗的程序及所需时间。在进行疗程的前后,解答一切细节安排,如请假休息、机票、住宿等。在治疗的每一环提示应注意事项。到达泰国后,跟进、报告胚胎发展。亦可随时与病人商讨处理胚胎(如PGD、冷冻胚胎)的策略。我的经验能帮助您: 我们乐意为您提供于泰国可选择之辅助生育服务的资料我的经验能帮助您:解答辅助生育疗程,如试管婴儿、性别选择、卵子捐赠等疗程的相关问题。了解您手上有的医疗服告。了解治疗的程序及所需时间。在进行疗程的前后,解答一切细节安排,如请假休息、机票、住宿等。在治疗的每一环提示应注意事项。到达泰国后,跟进、报告胚胎发展。亦可随时与病人商讨处理胚胎(如PGD、冷冻胚胎)的策略。我的经验能帮助您: ...