2014年7月26日 星期六

灣仔麻辣火鍋 . 夫妻肺片 . 灣仔川菜 . 香辣蟹 . 正宗麻辣火鍋 . 地道川菜 . 水煮魚 . 剁椒蒸魚頭 . 正宗灣仔川菜 . 麻辣火鍋 . 四川擔擔麵 .

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灣仔麻辣火鍋 . 夫妻肺片 . 灣仔川菜 . 香辣蟹 . 正宗麻辣火鍋 . 地道川菜 . 水煮魚 . 剁椒蒸魚頭 . 正宗灣仔川菜 . 麻辣火鍋 . 四川擔擔麵 .

|    Home    |    Contact Us Customer can enjoy the following dinner privileges in Megabox branch.   1. Half-price on 2ndDinner Set for 1 2. Complimentary a $30 Red Ant Voucher upon spending of $200 or a $50 Red Ant Voucher upon spending of $300 during dine-in dinner                 Terms & COnditions: Offers are only valid to dine-in dinner (excluding public holidays and special days) at MegaBox Branch‧Offers will be suspended or terminated without prior notice‧Payment should be settled by credit card (Visa, MasterCard or UnionPay) to enjoy the offer‧Red Ant Restaurant reserves the final decision on all matters concerning the offers          ...

