以下內容節錄來源Content Source: Microsoft . MicroSort Sperm Sorting . Natural Baby Sex Selection . 如何知道胎兒性別 . 人工選擇性別 . 不孕媽媽 . 吸煙與不孕 . 白麝香 不孕 . What Is IVF Infertility Treatment . 卵巢早衰 中醫 . fertility t
Microsoft . MicroSort Sperm Sorting . Natural Baby Sex Selection . 如何知道胎兒性別 . 人工選擇性別 . 不孕媽媽 . 吸煙與不孕 . 白麝香 不孕 . What Is IVF Infertility Treatment . 卵巢早衰 中醫 . fertility t
ICSI is a procedure by which a single sperm is inserted with the aid of a micro needle into the cytoplasm of a mature egg. This procedure is recommended for male factor infertility.The eggs retrieved are then assessed in the laboratory. The mature eggs are injected one by one using a glass holding pipette to secure the egg and a very small micro needle through which the sperm is inserted. The egg is subsequently placed in culture medium and fertilization is determined 12-18 hours later.Male factor infertility may result from one or more abnormalities of the several factors evaluated in semen specimens. Among these are: low seminal volume, low motility, low sperm counts or high percentage of abnormal spermatozoa. Other conditions such as failed attempts of fertilization in vitro and immunologic infertility, also warrant the utilization of ICSI. Lack of spermatozoa in the ejaculate due to congenital absence of the vas deferens or blocked vas deferens (vasectomies, infections of the reproductive tract) require PESA/MESA/TESE (sperm retrieval procedures) to obtain the sperm which are then used to fertilize the eggs through ICSI.ICSI technique has been employed since 1992. Babies who have been born were followed closely and up to now they have not shown a high incidence of somatic abnormalities than in vitro or naturally conceived babies.ICSI process...