2015年3月16日 星期一

Microsoft . MicroSort Sperm Sorting . Natural Baby Sex Selection . 如何知道胎兒性別 . 人工選擇性別 . 不孕媽媽 . 吸煙與不孕 . 白麝香 不孕 . What Is IVF Infertility Treatment . 卵巢早衰 中醫 . fertility t

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Microsoft . MicroSort Sperm Sorting . Natural Baby Sex Selection . 如何知道胎兒性別 . 人工選擇性別 . 不孕媽媽 . 吸煙與不孕 . 白麝香 不孕 . What Is IVF Infertility Treatment . 卵巢早衰 中醫 . fertility t

This nice talk was held on a Saturday night in Central, Hong Kong. Dr Wiwat brought new and top technology -PGD, and the egg donation programme of their center to share with our audience.About 60 attendances, most are Chinese, enjoyed an informative talk and a half hour fruitful discussion with Dr Wiwat. The talk was delivered in English, while Chinese translation was provided in Q&A session. After the talk, many attendances still remained in the venue for further discussion....

